Around the world, poverty is tearing families apart, leaving countless children to grow up in orphanages. Children in orphanages are separated from their families, isolated from the world, and often abused.


Poor Growth & Learning

For every three months in an orphanage, a child falls behind one month in their development.  



63% of children in orphanages are abused.


Long Term Harm

Once adults, 1 in 3 become Homeless; 1 in 5 have a Criminal Record; 1 in 7 become involved in Sex Work; 1 in 10 Commit Suicide. 

But there is a better way. 

80% of children in orphanages have family

At Home Free we envision a world free of orphanages, where every child grows up with the love and security of family. 

We keep families together, reunite children with their parents, and find loving foster families for children with no family of their own.